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Leads For Your Area, and Your Budget.
Get leads in any location, matching your budget, at any time.
Quality Aged Leads
Aged Solar Leads are, in our opinion, the best possible leads for individual solar pros to get results without breaking the bank. These are second-opportunity leads who in most cases have never been followed up with and drastically cheaper than traditional inbound leads.
Any Location You Need
Target any market you want whether that be a specific Utility Company's area, a city, a state, or multiple locations or regions at once. You will be required to supply either a zipcode list with a radius, a city with a radius, or a broad region if exact location isn't important.
Different Leads For Different Budgets
Our leads are broken down into 3 categories - Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 leads. Each lead type is differentiated by the age of the leads. Tier 1 being the most "fresh", highest opportunity, and highest cost.
1:1 Replacement Guarantee
We replace any leads with incorrect contact information. Simply provide us with a call recording which shows the contact information given is incorrect and we will send you a replacement immediately.
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